Tuesday, February 26, 2013

10001 thank yous!

Ten thousand and one thank yous to you all! My blog has now hit just over ten thousand page views! Not a lot it may seem, but for me it's a big deal for a blog that was started just so that i could update my family and friends all around the world about what we are up to!

Tiotusen och ett tack till er alla! Nu har min blogg setts över tiotusen gånger. Det är väl i sig inte så mycket, men för mej är det inte så illa med tanke på att jag startade bloggen endast för att min familj och alla mina vänner i olika delar av världen kan följa med vad vi håller på med.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Morfadern, babyn och havet

Nu just saknar jag min familj jättemycket och det är i stunder som denna som man undrar varför man tyckte det var en så briljant ide att flytta utomlands. Men jag vet av erfarenhet att känslan kommer att gå över. I väntan på det så dricker jag finskt kaffe och bläddrar igenom fotona jag tog när min familj var här.

At the moment I am missing my family a lot, I find myself wondering (again) why I chose this life as an expat. But this too shall pass. In the meanwhile I am drinking Finnish coffee and browsing the photos taken during my family's visit.

Mina föräldrar fick uppleva strandlivet a la Saudarabien
My parents got to experience beach life Saudi style

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The return

I am back from dazzling Dubai, after having enjoyed a great time with my family! Now my parents and brother are safe back home in Finland, my husband left in the early morning hours for the site. Our adorable girl is catching up on some sleep next to me in our bed. I am back online after almost a week off. It felt good to disconnect for a while. It seems that nowadays you're expected to be available 24/7, if for no other reason than everyone else's peace of mind.

I'll be online from now on, but maybe more sporadically. Maybe not.

Here's a snapshot of a beautiful Dubai moment - Khalifa and the moon.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby Valentine

Personally I do not mark Valentine's day in any specific day. In Saudi Arabia anything Happy Valentine related is forbidden. I have even heard off the religious police snipping off the flowers of a bouquet of roses that a neighbour's husband had bought for her!

But I could not resist this baby onesie from Gap. Let's hope that the religious police do not strip her off her shirt ;)

I hope you all have a wonderful day, whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or not!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Madame Helsinki and Big Boss

These were the nick names given to my parents by the waiter at the restaurant we visited tonight.

Both are enjoying their time here and our warm Saudi winter combined with the pool in our compound is a huge hit!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Expecting... guests

I thought I'd make that clear already in the header :)

My parents are sitting in a plane somewhere above Ukraine, still quite a few hours before they get to step foot on Saudi soil sand. But I am soo excited!!! It will be great to have them visit my home for a change, it has been nearly 8 years since I left Finland and this will be the first time they will be traveling to visit me!

We have a few things planned while they are here, but mainly we are just looking forward to some time with the family. No doubt our little wild child will be showing them some of her tricks!

It's getting increasingly difficult to get a clear photo with the phone camera, the object is constantly on the move!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Not having a great few days right now. After two days with a non stop head ache, this is what I get up to today. Good idea to stay clear of anything even remotely fragile. RIP moomin.


Klirr!!! Ungefär så låter de när muminmugg möter kakelgolv.... Helgen sim gick var inte då värst trevlig då dehär går helt i ton med det...

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