Sunday, December 29, 2013

An almost empty nest


It has been quiet here on the blog while I have been busy elsewhere. I had the pleasure of having my family over for the past few weeks. We had a great time with lots of laughs, good food and some adventure to boot!


I have just waived my brother off, seems like it was only yesterday that he landed on Saudi soil. His visits are never long because of work, but something is always better than nothing!


I'm sitting here in the candlelight trying to get used to a house that all of a sudden is so empty and quiet. Until next time!


Monday, December 2, 2013

Time out

No, I'm not talking about toddler discipline. I am talking about a time out from the daily grind. 

Last week me and the young one decided to turn our backs at the dishes in the sink, the laundry towering out of the baskets, the toys spread around the floor... Instead we spent a whole morning in enjoy the gardens of our compound. Drinking coffee, eating crackers and raisins, playing on the slides... Good fun! Note to self: must do this more often.

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