Now to the most important event of the year, the Eurovision Song Contest! In my books the Olympics, Football World Cups and the like do not even compare to the ESC. This is the time when the best, and probably also the worst, in European music making will be showcased. I've been watching it since I was a kid, back then I always feel asleep before the show got to the point where the winner was announced.
As a Finn I have grown used to the fact that my home country has limited success in this contest. There have been costume disaster after another, on occasion the singer has forgotten the lyrics. But a couple of times the Finns have contributed with something quite decent, but we end up last or second to last anyways. I think the other countries have gotten used to the horrid specimens of Finnish music, so by default we don't get any points. Our fellow Scandinavian countries will always feel obliged to give us a point or two. These points may be given out of pure pity but the Finns are always happy to reciprocate - it would be rude not to - so we give the other Scandinavian countries some of our points.
So in 2006 when I woke up one morning to the fact that Finland had actually won the contest, me and my flat mate thought that the whole thing was a very belated April's fools joke! Finland's contribution that year was afreaky interesting heavy metal/ hard rock song! Did anyone see their victory coming, I should think not!
Back then I was living in Australia, where the Eurovision is aired on TV nearly 24 hours after the event. So the element of surprise is gone, but I still watch it. Here in Saudi Arabia I think I'm going to have a hard time catching the show on TV though...
When checking up the news from home this morning I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the Finnish contestant for this year, Paradise Oskar, has made it through the the final. Since the introduction of the semifinal stage a few years ago, the Finnish contestants have many times been eliminated before the final. Let's see how things work out this year. Go Oskar!
Sclagerfestivalen är för mej det viktigaste evenemanget i året. Jag har följt med tävlingen varje år sen jag var liten. Men varje år är man ju nog lite nervös över det bidrag som Finland sållar fram. Många år har det gått SÅ fel. Jag måste erkänna att jag aldrig trodde att Lordi skulle ha en chans! Dom hamnar nog bland med dom fem sista som vanligt, tänkte jag. Men skam den som ger sej!
Under åren i Australien följde jag också med Eurovisionen som visades på lokal TV. Enda problemet var att showen visades dagen efter, så jag visste alltid vilket det vinnande bidraget var. Här i Saudiarabien tror jag att det kan vara lite svårare att hitta en kanal som visar showen.
I år har vi en finlandssvensk kille som representerar Finland, Paradise Oskar. Jag hoppas att han gör bra ifrån sej på lördag, Finland har ju faktiskt gått vidare till finalen! Personligen tycker jag att sången är ganska färglös. Men det kan vara att det är en av domdär sångerna som man gillar bättre när man hört den några gånger! Heja Oskar!
As a Finn I have grown used to the fact that my home country has limited success in this contest. There have been costume disaster after another, on occasion the singer has forgotten the lyrics. But a couple of times the Finns have contributed with something quite decent, but we end up last or second to last anyways. I think the other countries have gotten used to the horrid specimens of Finnish music, so by default we don't get any points. Our fellow Scandinavian countries will always feel obliged to give us a point or two. These points may be given out of pure pity but the Finns are always happy to reciprocate - it would be rude not to - so we give the other Scandinavian countries some of our points.
So in 2006 when I woke up one morning to the fact that Finland had actually won the contest, me and my flat mate thought that the whole thing was a very belated April's fools joke! Finland's contribution that year was a
Back then I was living in Australia, where the Eurovision is aired on TV nearly 24 hours after the event. So the element of surprise is gone, but I still watch it. Here in Saudi Arabia I think I'm going to have a hard time catching the show on TV though...
When checking up the news from home this morning I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the Finnish contestant for this year, Paradise Oskar, has made it through the the final. Since the introduction of the semifinal stage a few years ago, the Finnish contestants have many times been eliminated before the final. Let's see how things work out this year. Go Oskar!
Sclagerfestivalen är för mej det viktigaste evenemanget i året. Jag har följt med tävlingen varje år sen jag var liten. Men varje år är man ju nog lite nervös över det bidrag som Finland sållar fram. Många år har det gått SÅ fel. Jag måste erkänna att jag aldrig trodde att Lordi skulle ha en chans! Dom hamnar nog bland med dom fem sista som vanligt, tänkte jag. Men skam den som ger sej!
Under åren i Australien följde jag också med Eurovisionen som visades på lokal TV. Enda problemet var att showen visades dagen efter, så jag visste alltid vilket det vinnande bidraget var. Här i Saudiarabien tror jag att det kan vara lite svårare att hitta en kanal som visar showen.
I år har vi en finlandssvensk kille som representerar Finland, Paradise Oskar. Jag hoppas att han gör bra ifrån sej på lördag, Finland har ju faktiskt gått vidare till finalen! Personligen tycker jag att sången är ganska färglös. Men det kan vara att det är en av domdär sångerna som man gillar bättre när man hört den några gånger! Heja Oskar!
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