A while back I wrote about our daughter's progress, or sometimes lack thereof, with regards to talking. Well, it seems that everything has really taken off in the last month or so. I do believe the fact that there are more people in the house to visit (my in-laws are visiting) has encouraged her to speak more. She is also showing huge advances in her father's language, Urdu. I am very happy about this as she gets very little exposure to this language as its normally just me speaking to her in Swedish or other people speaking to her in English. I do believe that her advances in Urdu are helping her with her overall language development, even her Swedish.
Here are some gems from the last few days and weeks.
ballo - balloon. Not to boe confused with 'babb' (bubbles) or 'baall' (ball)
kutta - urdu for dog
mjk - mjölk, which is Swedish for milk, if she is not served milk promptly she will try 'dooood' instead which is the Urdu equivalent :)
She is also working away on different commands, most common are sit, come and 'mann', the last meaning close or closed (the correct Urdu word being 'band').
She also has a new favourite song, which is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Or as she sings 'winku, winku, li- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how I wo- mmmmmmmmmmm...'
Here are some gems from the last few days and weeks.
ballo - balloon. Not to boe confused with 'babb' (bubbles) or 'baall' (ball)
kutta - urdu for dog
mjk - mjölk, which is Swedish for milk, if she is not served milk promptly she will try 'dooood' instead which is the Urdu equivalent :)
She is also working away on different commands, most common are sit, come and 'mann', the last meaning close or closed (the correct Urdu word being 'band').
She also has a new favourite song, which is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Or as she sings 'winku, winku, li- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how I wo- mmmmmmmmmmm...'
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