Sunday, February 24, 2013

Morfadern, babyn och havet

Nu just saknar jag min familj jättemycket och det är i stunder som denna som man undrar varför man tyckte det var en så briljant ide att flytta utomlands. Men jag vet av erfarenhet att känslan kommer att gå över. I väntan på det så dricker jag finskt kaffe och bläddrar igenom fotona jag tog när min familj var här.

At the moment I am missing my family a lot, I find myself wondering (again) why I chose this life as an expat. But this too shall pass. In the meanwhile I am drinking Finnish coffee and browsing the photos taken during my family's visit.

Mina föräldrar fick uppleva strandlivet a la Saudarabien
My parents got to experience beach life Saudi style


  1. That's great that they came to visit you here! Which city you live in Dammam?
    Also, cute baby! Mashallah :)

    1. Hi Layla!
      Yes, I feel very fortunate to have my family visit, they also enjoyed seeing a country and a culture that is so different to what they are used to!
      We live in Al Khobar, I love being so close to the sea. It is a must for me having always lived close to the water!
      I love all your posts on Riyad, they really shows sides of the city that I thought never existed!
      Thanks for your visit and your comment on my blog!


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