I would not normally see a need to decorate a whole separate room for a new baby. After all, a baby is tiny (but I'll admit that they come with a lot of stuff...) and I prefer the idea of having the baby sleep in the parents' bedroom. At least for the first few months.
Where we are currently living we have the privilege of having two spare bedrooms, so changing one of them into a nursery was only logical. Most of our house is a bit of a "plain Jane" with white walls and beige flooring, so we sort of wanted to have a bit of fun with one room. I won't give you the full nursery tour as yet, because some minor things still need to be finished off :)
But I thought I'd share a picture of the mobile for now. I just love it! It is a Scandinavian design by Flensted Mobile and as such did not come very cheap - considering that it is made from paper and all. I saw it in a shop when i was in Finland in January and I loved it straight away! But the price tag got me to back of and for a while I considered DIYing something similar. But then we travelled to Canada and while we were there we visited a few baby shops. That's when my husband saw it and he was keen on it too! So we went ahead and bought it. Hopefully the baby will like it as much as we do, which will make the investment even more worth it!
On a side note though, for the price that we paid I would have thought that the mobile would come with some sort of hook to hang it, but it did not. Buying a hook did not break our bank, but that's just one of those things that annoy me because it's more the question of the principle.
Tänkte dela med mej en snabb detalj från babyns rum, nämligen mobilen som hänger i taket. Det är frågan om en dansk design av Flensted Mobile och det var kärlek vid första ögonkastet för både mej och min man. Prislappen låg där kring 50 euro, därför ryggade jag först tillbaka och började istället leka med tanken på att fixa till nåt liknande själv. Men förhoppningsvis så kommer babyn att gilla mobilen lika mycket som vi gör, så då är den definitivt värd den lilla investeringen.
Med tanke på priset skulla jag gärna ha sett att en krok att hänga mobilen i skulle ha följt med paketet, men icke sa Nicke. Så jag fick vanka iväg till vår lokala motsvarighet av K-rauta och köpa en. Det var ju ingen dyr grej, men dethär är saker som stör mej mera av principskäl än något annat...
Det blir förhoppningsvis lite mer bilder från barnrummet snart, men det är ännu några små detaljer som ska fixas... Det är ju nog på tiden med tanken på att det beräknade datumet är om mindre än en vecka...
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