It has been a year since we left Australia in order to start our adventure in the Middle East. It's incredible how fast the past year has gone. While Australia is not the my native country, there are things that I do miss.
My friends would come first on the list, it took me a while to develop a network of friends in Australia, and just as I had done that it was time to leave.
I also miss the Australian people in general, they are so easygoing and and friendly, whether you know them or not. Customer service in Australia is also something quite different to what you experience here, it just seems people are not really committed and they do not care whether they have made you feel happy or not.
Parks. I used to laugh to myself, because in Australia, especially on the Gold Coast where we lived, they had parks everywhere. Big and small. If there was a just a small patch of grass, a bench and a tree it would be called a park! These parks would be clean, really clean. Over here there are very few parks and especially during the weekend they are not very clean because people leave their rubbish everywhere!
Nice, cozy coffee shops. The ones where you can sit for a looooong time because it really feels like an extension of our own living room. One of my favourites was Gov's Espresso, coffee shops here are mainly of the American/British franchise kind...
These are just a few things of the top of my head. I am hoping to go back to Australia for a visit at some point, but I have no idea when that would be...
Det är nu ett år sen vi flyttade från Australien till Mellanöstern. Ett år som har gått otroligt fort! Trots att Australien inte är mitt hemland är det en hel del saker som jag saknar. Främst av allt mina vänner, men också det australiensiska folket över huvudtaget.
Jag saknar också alla fina, gröna, rena parker! Jag längtar också tillbaka till Australiens cafekultur. Det finns så många mysiga och trevliga cafeer, men här i Saudiarabien får man nöja sej med "stämningen" som erbjuds av ett amerikanst/brittiskt franchiseföretag...
Jag hoppas att vi gör ett besök till Australien i något skede, men just nu är det inte aktuellt tyvärr. Det finns ju en massa andra ställen man vill se!
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