Monday, January 27, 2014

Pedal to the metal


So driving is off limits to women here in Saudi Arabia. I will not go on about the reasoning behind it and will not dwell on how I feel about it. Let me say that it is annoying and makes life a bit inconvenient (understatement of the year...)


So tonight I am speeding using a different sort of engine: my sewing machine. What can I say, you take what you can get after a while. Here I'm working away on some doll blankets for my neighbours daughter.


I guess I could have used a cutesy, girly fabric, but instead I went with bright, bold and, quite frankly, annoying. This is a pillowcase that is now being repurposed, because I just can not live with a king bed that is covered in this pattern. What you see in this shocking quality photo is actually the least migraine inducing part of the fabric.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Life before Google

Imagine life before Google, or before internet for that matter?! Its crazy to think that our daughter will grow up with mobile phones, wi fi, internet, blogging, e-mail etc being the norm, not knowing what was before all that! It makes me feel privileged being the generation that got to witness these type of changes. I still remember the first time I searched for a book at the library with help of a computer, can you believe it?!

So what am I googling at the moment? The words "toddler" and "sleep" in combination with other words such as "refusing", "no naps" etc. Also keen on finding out more on "bilingualism", sine my daughter's pediatrician thinks it's "bad, VERY bad" (insert Lebanese accent here).

Another favourite is "real estate" and everything relating to it. It would be SO much easier if you did not have to worry about, pests, flood areas, city plans and all the rest!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Words of the day - Dagens ord

Niiiice! This I believe she picked up from her little BFF who impresses us with a flood of words. Our daughter, not so much. But we are getting there :)
Tom (meaning 'empty')
Nam! (meaning 'yum')

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New (KitKat) Year

Happy New Year to everyone! No resolutions for this year (either). Many resolve to eat more healthy in the new year, our daughter seems to be planning the opposite... Below was her contribution on this year's first trip to the grocery store. Needless to say, none of these crispy delights made their way past the checkout, but one does what one has to do to keep a little tired and bored person happy while waiting in line...
Lilla fröken drar sitt strå till stacken när vi är och handlar mat. Inte en enda fick följa med hem, men hon var sysselsatt en god stund med att lasta domhär i kärran, medan jag och mannen plockade bort dom... Gott Nytt År allihopa! Ta nu en bit choklad, det har (väl) aldrig skadat någon!


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