Saturday, May 25, 2013

Domo arigato gozaimasu

Our 11-day trip around Japan is soon coming to an end. We have seen a lot and covered a lot of ground, but there is still so much to see!

I have made an effort to eat as many green things as possible. And I do not mean vegetables, I am talking about things that contain green tea powder. There have been donuts, ice cream, cake  and today there were waffles! Calories don't count when you're holidays, right?!?!

Today we have also celebrated our little girl's first birthday! How time flies when you are having fun, I could but imagine life without her. During our trip we have heard the word kawaii a lot, the Japanese word for cute. And Imaan has given them all her biggest smile in return!

Thank you Japan for everything, domo arigato gozaimasu!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Big (and small) in Japan

We've been in Japan a few days now and I am loving it!!!

It's clean, green, efficient and things seem to work effortlessly! In other words - it's all that Saudi Arabia isn't!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

My Mother's Day "treat" looks something like this. I am trying to kick a respiratory infection and our little one is suffering from a runny nose and an infected throat. Could have had a better day, but I think we are are winning over the virus. I want it to be gone by Wednesday. We have places to see and people to meet - in Japan!

Happy Mother's Day!

"Menyn" för min första morsdag som mamma ser lite ut som på bilden. Både liten och stor har drabbats av ett virus :( Jag tror och hoppas att vi är på bättringsvägen. På onsdag bär det nämligen av till Japan.

Glad Morsdag!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The birthday party sook... and an ode to all mothers

Our baby girl turns one later this month and we did not want to have a massive birthday bash for her. A couple of girls in the playgroup at our compound are also celebrating their birthdays in May so we decided to combine our efforts and have a joint party for the girls!

Look at the beautiful cake my wonderful friend made for the girls!
She makes cakes when she's not busy raising a now 7 month old boy :)

The party was a great success, thanks to my great co hostesses and all our lovely guests, big and small. But... has anyone had their eyes well up when everyone is singing "Happy Birthday"? I kid you not, that happened to me!

I really don't know what came over me. Maybe it is sadness over the baby year that is soon coming to an end. It might not have been the easiest year, but it has been the most life changing and rewarding experience ever! Maybe it was because I was able to celebrate this occasion with a group of great people. Women (and their adorable children) from all corners of the world. Women who are all so different, but who all possess so many admirable qualities. Women who make me think "How on Earth do they do it?"

Thank you to you all, and thank you for making this party such a great success! But must of all, thank you for being part of our lives!

A very happy Mothers Day to all mums out there! You all deserve a pat on your back, because you are doing the most difficult job in the world: being a Mum!

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