Jag vill känna att jag lever
All den tid jag har ska jag leva som jag vill
Jag vill känna att jag lever
Veta att jag räcker till
Utdrag ur Gabriellas Sång (text: Py Bäckman, musik: Peter Nilsson)
När man känner sej ganska liten så ger denhär sången ett oerhört lyft, det tycker i all fall jag!
Länk till sången här.
This is an extract from Gabriella's Song, a really uplifting song when the day might seem dull and grey...
You can listen to the song here and find the lyrics in English here.
First there were two aquarians, then a little gemini came along. This is our everyday.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday quote
"It is never too late to be what you might have been" - George Eliot
It's been a while since I posted a quote. I think the above quote rings true to so many of us. Mostly because we avoid moving out of our comfort zone. Rather than taking a chance on something we stick to what we know. Which is sad, because that way we might never realize our true potential.
I am one of those people, I rather suffer in silence than do something about things... Anyone feel the same? Or do you have a brave story about "seizing the day" to tell?
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Jorn Utzon dared to step out of his (and everone else's) comfort zone! |
It's been a while since I posted a quote. I think the above quote rings true to so many of us. Mostly because we avoid moving out of our comfort zone. Rather than taking a chance on something we stick to what we know. Which is sad, because that way we might never realize our true potential.
I am one of those people, I rather suffer in silence than do something about things... Anyone feel the same? Or do you have a brave story about "seizing the day" to tell?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Spot on
Me: International Women's Day. Out of 365 days women get one day... Is there a need for a women's day, you think?
Hubby: I think every day is Women's Day!
I give him 10 points for that one!
Happy International Women's Day everyone (yes, everyone)!
What are you thoughts on this day? Is it needed, is it sexist to have a Women's Day?
Hubby: I think every day is Women's Day!
I give him 10 points for that one!
Happy International Women's Day everyone (yes, everyone)!
What are you thoughts on this day? Is it needed, is it sexist to have a Women's Day?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The Beach |
I am probably not the only one who would vote for longer weekends. Two days are just not enough, especially when you have number of things that you need to get done. All this while coughing away in a manner that would freak out the toughest chain smoker! Thanks for all the suggestions on various home remedies by the way. In the end I had to admit defeat so I did go and see the doctor this morning...
I did get stuff done, so I have to write a list (got to love lists):
- take computer screen to recycling station
- post that package that I meant to send ages ago
- return books to library
- clean the balcony floor
Did manage to catch up with some friends as well, so it was a very efficient weekend in many ways! I hope you all had a good weekend too!
Computer/TV graveyard - Gravgården för datorer och TVn |
Jag är knappast ensam med min önskan om varje veckoslut skulle kunna vara ett förlängt veckoslut. Två dagar går alldeles för fort helt enkelt! Men visst fick jag något gjort i alla fall. Och för att fira detta så måst jag ju få skriva en lista (jag ÄLSKAR alla sorters listor).
- för datorskärm till återvinningsstationen
- posta paketjälp
- för tillbaka biblioteksböckerna
- tvätta balkongsgolvet
Klämde in ett besök hos läkaren också. Efter att ha hostat envist hela lördagen kapitulerade jag och lät traditionella medicinen vinna denhär duellen.
Allt som allt en mycket produktiv helg måst jag säga. Jag hoppas att alla hade en bra helg!
Sunday morning treat: blueberry pancakes Söndagsfrukost: blåbärsplättar |
green living,
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Täbbt däsa
Så gick det som det gick. Flunssan som har kommit och gått under den senaste månaden fick till slut överhanden. Urk, jag hatar att vara sjuk. Det finns knappast nån som tycker om att vara sjuk...
Nån som har någo rekommendationer för hur jag ska bli av med dethär? Jag har ren prövat, te, honung, het curry, mera te...
I have managed to catch a full blown cold, right in the middle of the summer heat! How is that possible?! I have tried all sorts of home remedies, tea, honey, hot curry. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Nån som har någo rekommendationer för hur jag ska bli av med dethär? Jag har ren prövat, te, honung, het curry, mera te...
I have managed to catch a full blown cold, right in the middle of the summer heat! How is that possible?! I have tried all sorts of home remedies, tea, honey, hot curry. Anyone have any other suggestions?
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