Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time to warm up the green thumbs

This was "the garden" a few months ago "Tradgarden" for ett par manader sen
The end of August is near, that means that spring is officially only a few days away.
I paid the local garden centre a visit this weekend and got myself some plants for the balcony. I'm not huge on flowers and stuff, I prefer vegetables and absolutely love herbs!

My garden this morning Min tradgard i morse

Meet newcomers cucumber, strawberry and tomato. Nykomlingarna gurka, jordgubb och tomat.
Augusti ar snart till anda, vilket betyder att varen snart ar har! Jag redan kopt nagra plantor for den kommande sasongen. Jag foredrar gronsaker och orter istallet for blommor. Allt vaxer i krukor eftersom vi inte har en tradgard, istallet har vi en STOR balkong.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Finland - the place to be

I have been saying it for long, but now it has been made official; Newsweek has announced that Finland is the best country in the world! This is based on a survey that looked into the aspects of health, education, quality of life, economic competitiveness and political environment. Australia ranked fourth in this survey, Canada came in fifth, India made it to 78th place. Somehow Australia ranked higher than Finland in health, which I find very surprising because I find the Australian health system to be quite poor compared to back home.

Nu ar det officiellt, Finland ar det basta landet i varlden! Sa pastar atminstone Newsweek som har undersokt flera olika aspekter, halsovard, utbilding, livskvalitet, ekonomisk konkurrenskraft och den politiska omgivingen. Mitt nuvarande hemland Australien hittar man pa fjarde plats vilket int e sa pjakigt.

Vad annat kan man saga an "Vad var det jag sa?" 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Election time

August 21 is election day here in Australia. The people will be voting for a new prime minister. I do not get to vote, seeing that i am not an Australian citizen. I don't see that as a bad thing though. The local election campaigns are nothing short of a joke, filled with little substance. Most of the time is spent by mocking the other party (there are only two main parties) and making empty promises. One candidate is quoting Eminem on national TV, the other one will always be remembered for her back stabbing coup that made her the current prime minister.

In order to make sure that people vote, it is actually compulsory to vote. Failure to do so, results in a fine. Unless you can prove that you were unable to vote. So that's democracy Australian style for you people!

My husbands citizenship ceritificate/ Min mans medborgarintyg

Om ca tre veckor ar det valdags i Australien, de ska valjas en ny statsminister. Jag har ingen rostratt, eftersom jag inte ar Australiensisk medborgare. Men jag kanner mej int snuvad pa konfekten. Snarare tvartom.
Valkampanjerna har gar mest ut pa att smutskasta opponenten (de finns bara tva stora partier i Australien) och fa den andra att se lojlig ut genom att upprepa nagot dumt som sagts/gjorts. Idag citerade den ena kandidaten Eminem "Won't the real Julia please stand up". Jag kan se medierna gotta sej at dethar. Utan tvekan kommer det att visas nan remix av dethar citatet senast imorgon bitti, garanterat med tillhornade musik. Den andra kandidaten lever fortfarande med folkets missnoje efter att hon genom en mindre "statskupp" tog over rollen som statsminister. Vilken haxa, tycker manga.

De ar nog sakert manga som bara singlar slant i dethar valet, hur kan man valja mellan tva sa usla kandidater?!?! Gud forbjude att man inte rostar alls. Att rosta ar obligatoriskt i dethar landet, om man inte rostar sa far man boter. Om man inte kan bevisa att man var oformogen att rosta forstas, tex pga koma fororsakad av hemska valkampanjer. Sahar fungerar demokratin har i Australien.

This is how the Australian national anthem starts/ Sahar borjar den australiensiska nationalsangen:

"Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free"

Free you may be, but big brother is telling you that you have to vote! Ironic.
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