First there were two aquarians, then a little gemini came along. This is our everyday.
Monday, June 28, 2010
We have upgraded!
Bye bye mobile broadband, hello ADSL 2!!!
Wow, now I can actually browse the internet without having to spend a lifetime online. Today we got our new router, and in less than 30 minutes I had managed to get our newer,faster internet connection up and running. OK, I admit, the router was already configured by our internet provider.
Now that we are in the middle if winter (yes that's what they call it although the temperature is 20+ degrees) it's nice to look back at some of the photos I took last summer. This one is taken at the lighthouse in Byron Bay.
Här sitter jag nu och surfar så att håret flyger. Vi har nu bytt till ADSL 2 bredband, istället för mobilt bredband. Och jag installerade det och allt! Okej, såhär gick det till: min bättre hälf ringde telefonbolaget, dom skickade en färdigt konfigurerad router, allt jag gjorde var att koppla in sladdarna.
Här e de mitt i vintern (ca 20 grader utomhus visserligen), jag hittade några sommarbilder pa datorn. Denhär tog jag när vi besökte Byron Bay på min födelsedag. Fördelarna med att bo på den södra halvan av jodklotet är att jag för en gångs skull firar min födelsedag i varmt och soligt väder!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Happiness is... a clean home
I must admit that I’m not a super tidy person, nor do I obsess about the shoes not being perfectly lined about or if something is out of its place (OK, maybe sometimes I do…). Our home is definitely one of those places that looks like someone lives there, there are some books stacked here, a watch there etc. I have seen homes that look immaculate all the time, but I have to admit that many of them feel like they lack character, some even border on sterile.
What I do love though, is a clean house. I hate dust and watermarks on the bathroom mirror.
I feel bad for my husband though; he is allergic to dust, so I’m usually the one doing the dusting. Note to self, will bake him something nice next weekend.
Dom som känner mej, vet att jag inte är världens superstädigaste människa. De spelar ingen roll om skorna står lite snett, eller om saker och ting inte är på rätt plats (för det mesta). Jag gillar hem där det syns att någon bor, jag avskyr hem som saknar karaktär eller som e så fixade in i minsta detalj att det känns sterilt. Hemma hos oss står det en hög med tidingar här, en klocka ligger på bordet där osv.
Vad jag gillar är ett rent hem, jag hatar damm och vattenmärken på badrumsspegeln. Föreställ er min glädje när jag kom hem från jobbet på måndagen och fann att golvet var dammsuget, hyllorna var dammade och på spisen stod maten färdig, både kyckling och indiska köttbullar (koftas). Till råga på allt var disken också diskad!
Som tack ska jag nog ta och baka något gott nästa helg.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Living room mood board
While browsing the internet the other day I came across this website for creating mood boards. I love mood boards. It's like having a scrap book full of inspirational pictures, without having to buy a bunch of magazines for inspiration. Which I do anyways, these mood boards are just an added extra!
Seeing that I live in a rented unit, I can only realise a limited number of my interior decoration ideas and dreams. With the mood boards you can let your dreams flow, plus it'll cost you nothing!
This is my first mood board ever, I look forward to creating more for different rooms. I guess we know what I will be doing this weekend. I hope you have a great one!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Last weekend I was up for a rate treat as a friend from back home came to visit me. My high school friend Christian and his friend, also called Christian, are doing a road trip along the east coast of Australia and they dropped by along the way. The guys were up for a visit to the nearby national park, so we took them to Springbrook. This is a gorgeous place in the Gold Coast hinterland, with waterfalls, nature walks and beautiful lookout points.
One of the lookouts is called the Best of all lookout, but on the day we visited the view was definitely not the best.
It is a beautiful spot, but on the day we visited the weather was overcast and foggy, so this is all we saw.
But there were plenty of other lookouts and the view from those were much better.
I came to this very same lookout a couple of years ago and got a much better view then.
It's a great place to come, especially on hot summer days, because the weather is always a few degrees cooler than down on the Gold Coast.
We also did a detour and visited Natural Bridge, yes another waterfall. But at the bottom there is a cave that is home to a colony of glow worms. This is a popular place to visit for Australian as well as overseas visitors.
The cave is also home to a large number of bats, all of which where on the move right when we were about to get into the cave! Scary.
I really enjoyed getting out of town and just enjoy the forest, listening tor the birds chirping, or whatever it is that makes all that rainforest sound… The excursion was part of a great weekend that ended all too soon!